Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Sunday

Christmas morning this year was quiet and wonderful. Chad and I woke early so we'd be ready for church, and still have time for the traditional strawberry waffles breakfast and opening the stockings. And a few minutes to marvel at the "big" gifts Santa brought.

We had talked about going to church on Christmas, to make sure the kids were good and excited about it, and let them know we'd open the rest of the presents after we got home. Church was great, mostly because I got a day off from teaching, so it was nice and relaxing. And when we got home, we changed out of our church clothes and started the unwrapping.

Poor Lincoln was exhausted, and didn't last long before we put him down for his overdue nap.

Mason got a Hot Wheels garage and cars, tanks and soldiers, and a rocketship with astronauts and aliens.

Bree received a wooden doll house and furniture, plenty of Barbies and clothes, "big girl" jewelry, and some pots and pans to play house.

When I was little, Santa brought my sisters and me a huge wooden doll house, which we played with for years. I'm hoping Bree will get similar mileage out of hers.

Chad had to work a half day, but we were glad that he at least got the morning off. We just relaxed and kids played until he got back home. And we enjoyed one of my favorite aspects of Christmas: that feeling of nothing-to-do, nowhere-to-go, when the phone doesn't ring, there's nothing to worry about, and you get to enjoy just playing together. Even if it ends the moment you wake the next morning, for one day you get to pretend that life will be this way indefinitely. And it's sweet.

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