Friday, June 19, 2009

New Calling!

I was pretty nervous about my meeting last night. I was worried they might call me to the primary presidency, which is being reorganized. Well, they did call me to the a Nursery leader! This is one calling that I used to say I never wanted again. But in our ward what they try to do is have a group of nursery teachers that can take turns teaching. That way people can go to their adult classes sometimes, and when they have to go out of town, they're automatically covered. So I'm super excited to have a "Sunday" calling, especially one that's not even every Sunday! I'm congratulating myself on my good fortune, and I'm excited to start.

On a side note, poor Bree has Strep throat again. Luckily the doctor fit her in yesterday, and we've got her on antibiotics. I'm hoping this pattern doesn't continue all her life--this is her third case of Strep in her short 3-year-old life. I think she's doing a little better today, thank goodness.


Jaime Lynne said...

This is fabulous! I was guessing it was the primary presidency but this is WAY better. I am so jealous.

And did you see how many views you have on your recent los!?!? Some are over 1,000!

Tina said...

What a great idea to switch out nursery leaders - why didn't someone think of this earlier? I think my last ward was supposed to do that, but they still didn't have enough people to make it happen. Have fun with that, AND you get to be with your kids! Wait, is Bree still in nursery or primary now?

emilybolles said...

Beautiful family picture! I love it! Congrats on the new calling too. Unfortunately Johnny is a big BABY and can't stay in nursery by himself... so I get to be in nursery for an hour and then go teach my Beehive class. Oh the joys!

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