Tuesday I had an OB and dentist appointment in the Phoenix valley, so I persuaded Chad to watch the kids while I took a day for myself. He totally spoils me. Granted, the appointments weren't that fun, but neither one took very long. And the Gentle Dental we go to in Mesa is so incredibly nice, and everyone there is so awesome, that if a visit to the dentist could ever qualify as relaxing and pleasant, mine would. So, the baby checks out fine (14 weeks now, and I started feeling tiny movements last week!), and we'll find out what the sex is at the end of July. And my gums are healthy and I am cavity-free.
With my appointments done, I was free to do whatever! I went to lunch at Cafe Rio, and had the chicken salad, which is my favorite even though I've only tried 2 things there. There is only one Cafe Rio in Arizona, and it's right across the street from my OB, which is a perfect coincidence...maybe that's why there are always so many pregnant women there when I go. And I did some shopping for some much-needed clothes. It's appalling that I have to start wearing maternity clothes at 14 weeks, but I was in serious need of some shorts that didn't cut off circulation at the waist. It's my first summer pregnancy, so I had to get some basics, including a swim suit. What is with maternity swim suits? Is there a rule that they all have to be hideous? Or do they just look hideous on my pregnant body? In the end, I bought a cheap suit at Walmart that's not actually maternity (I just bought a tankini with an extra-large top). I figure if I'm going to look hideous anyway, I might as well do it and save money at the same time. After I finished my shopping, I went the the movies to see X-Men, which was awesome.
It was a such a perfect day. Until that highway patrol photo radar took my picture on my drive home. I was shocked and indignant. I knew I was in a 65 zone--I drive that road all the time. And I know Chad has told me that those things won't give you a ticket until you're at least 11 over the limit. And my cruise control was set at 6 over, which is what Chad tells me to do. I mean, he is a highway patrol officer. He knows what he's talking about. And that stupid computer-manned vehicle is not only trying to take away my husband's job, but it had the nerve to take my picture when I was driving a "reasonable and prudent" speed. I called Chad right away, and he made me feel better by saying he'll fight it if he needs to. And then he had fresh chocolate chip cookies coming out of the oven when I got home. I love that man.
So life is good at our house. We've got our ups and downs. My zucchini, corn and green beans are growing. But our master bath has been leaking under our house (we'll see how long the caulking job holds up until we can replace the tub), and the other tub's shower valve popped off yesterday, so baths in there aren't an option right now. I'm grateful for Chad's handiness, and for the Ace gift card that our Discover card rewards earned us, making the purchase of replacement parts possible. But on the bright side, today after a trial run I discovered that all three of our car seats will fit into the back of our truck, meaning that we don't have to get that minivan any time soon. So we'll continue to enjoy the luxury of not having a car payment. True, the minivan was starting to sound appealing, but we're trying to keep a clear handle on the difference between needs and wants. One great thing about living in Globe is that the simple life is not only accepted but it's also valued.
Oh, and I have a meeting with the Bishopric tomorrow night. I knew that my calling reprieve would be short-lived.
You are so cute. I must admit I was a little sad you aren't R.S. President anymore. You have a gift for organizing and being compassionate.
I'm so glad Chad is a good helper! Marriage takes teamwork.
I am so loving that pineapple! Wow! Congrats on the release. Can't wait to hear what the new calling is. And I forgot to send my maternity clothes with you. Dang!!
I knew it :) I can't wait to hear what your new calling is...
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