Fran, you're going to love this! Don't cry. Whoops, too late. Remember July 21st, 2005? When your children and grand-children started moving away in droves? Well, you thought it would be funny to pack your granny-rocking-chair in Mike's truck so they'd take you with them to Missouri, Beverly Hillbilly style. And then Chad and I moved to Arizona a few months later. We swear, it was nothing personal! It seems so long ago that we were all in Vegas together. But don't worry, we won't forget you! We're very loyal, and show our kids pictures of you on a regular basis so they'll know who you are. We love you!
I tag anyone who is curious as to what's in their 5th folder!
I am crying! Wow, all the memories are flooding though my brain. I miss everyone so bad.
Megan, you are wonderful for always making Daddy and me feel loved and not forgotten.
Get back here right now!
Love G-Ma Fran
The picture makes it seem longer ago than it acutally was. Seeing this encouraged me to go back and look through my old photo files and it brought back so many memories!!!!
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