Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Poor me

I got sick this weekend. Chad says it's because I've been working so hard, which is true. I'm desperately trying to get the house ready to paint. Saturday I worked all morning, and then went back out after lunch. At one point I stepped off the ladder to take a breather from caulking trim (while simultaneously dodging a bee that had apparently made a home in a crack near there), when I thought, "I don't feel so good". I was getting kind of wheezy, and thought maybe I'd inhaled some lead-poisoned paint in the endless scraping process. Not to mention, I didn't have that energetic zeal that normally keeps me going (I can work for quite a while when I picture the beautiful end result in my mind). So I went inside, showered, and then I was sick. By that night I had almost completely lost my voice, and my throat was raw and sore. The next morning dawned with phlegm and a voice that would attract bullfrogs. So I stayed home from church while Chad went to teach his lesson (in all honesty, I thought it was perfect timing, since our church time just changed to 9:00 am this week!). I shirked my motherly and home maker duties, and was amazed to see how dirty the house (and children) can become in only a day and a half of neglect. Luckily, Chad had yesterday off, and he took care of us, and cleaned up the mess.

In the midst of my sickness, my sore throat was craving some hot chocolate, so I pulled out my beloved Cocoa-Motion. We didn't have any cocoa mix, so I tried the recipe on the side of the Hershey cocoa tin. Well, first of all, to my dismay, my Cocoa-Motion was broken. The motor wasn't working, and would therefore not mix or froth. Second of all, when I used a pot on the stove, the experimental recipe did not turn out well at all. So my sweet husband made a trip to the store just for Nestle cocoa mix. Even though I had to make it in the microwave by hand, it tasted delicious! Cocoa is one major reason I can't wait for fall weather. So, thanks to my illness, I was able to have an excuse to drink cocoa when it was 95 degrees outside. And, not to worry, the wonderful people in the Sunbeam appliances warranty division are sending me a replacement Cocoa-Motion very soon. Soon, I will be well again, and all will be right with the world. In the meantime, this is all the excitement I have to blog about!


elise said...

i'm sorry you're sick! no fun.
afton's favorite request for breakfast is cocoa, it still blows my mind when she asks for it (it's still 80 degrees!), but she likes it enough to remember and ask for it by name... so we definately understand that!

Frances Wallace said...

You are so cute. You deserved a rest day. I just hope you get better quickly. If I was there I would spoil you.

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