Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Children's Museum

We have been pretty busy around here lately.  For one thing, preschool started this month, and the kids are loving it!  Two of my friends and I take two-week shifts teaching preschool on Tuesdays and Fridays.  It's been awesome... especially since my turn hasn't come around yet!  I'm actually excited, and have been requesting library books for story time that relate to my unit's theme: "The more we get together".  We'll be learning all about families and friends.
Last Wednesday we had our first class field trip.  We carpooled down to Mesa to the children's museum there.  For only $6.50 a person (half that if you have awesome buy-one-get-one coupons like Mackenzie found online), you get hours of play and learning experiences.  There were giant blocks, a playhouse with a kitchen, story room, and garden, an art room, exhibits to experiment with sounds and video, and the featured Japanese Manga exhibit, which is why I have a photo of all the kids inside a furry cat-bus.  Apparently there is a Japanese comic with a giant bus that is actually a live cat...don't ask me.  Bree, however, is very familiar with the Japanese cartoon "Avatar", and knew how to act appropriately in the Japanese house, saying to her friends, "Welcome to Chang Palace."  It was a lot of fun, and was a deliciously air-conditioned respite from the 110-degree heat outside.  We'll definitely visit again.


Tina said...

WOW! That looks like a fun museum! I wish we had something like that around here.

Frances Wallace said...


Jaime Lynne said...

She is definitely the oldest girl! That looks like an awesome children's museum. I am impressed.

And when did I get so behind at commenting on your blog?

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