Saturday, July 14, 2012

This Week

This has been one of the busiest, most tiring weeks ever! My body is exhausted, sore, and covered in bruises. My allergies are having a field day. I'm sleep deprived. And Mason has probably logged 30 hours of Lego Star Wars this week. Here are a few of the highlights:
  • We've sorted through belongings, decluttering and making the house look nice to show to potential buyers.
  • I worked only a half day on Monday, but it felt long because my brain seemed to be fried, and just wouldn't work properly
  • My mom arrive Monday afternoon, ready to help with anything and everything that needed to be done around here. 
  • We chose a realtor after holding some interviews, and officially listed our home.
  • Between Chad, my mom, and me, we weeded all around the house, filling about 15 big black garbage bags, which are still sitting on our curb because we had to make a special garbage pickup request, which won't happen until next Tuesday.
  • Tuesday I took Lincoln to get his vaccines, and at 15 months, he was due for 6 different shots. Poor kid. Then he had an eye appointment, where the doc proclaimed his eyes healthy, except for a blocked tear duct in his left eye (no surprise there), so he referred us to a specialist.
  • After getting all the weeds cleared around the fruit trees, we arranged the rocks that my mom had collected with my dad's help, so now it looks like we have some actual landscaping going on.
  • Wednesday Chad and I headed to the Valley with Lincoln. I had my first allergy shots, and brought the rest of the vials home with me to continue the shots with my local doc's office. I sure hope they work. I also called Lincoln's pediatric eye specialist, who was able to squeeze us in that same day. And we scheduled Lincoln's tear duct surgery for next month.
  • That same day, we enjoyed a lunch date with Adam and Heather before hitting the hardware store for more supplies, and heading home.
  • Also that day, while we were gone, our home had its first showing. My mom tidied the place up before getting the kids out of the house.
  • After Adam and Heather joined us in Globe to round out our task force, we tackled more weeds, and started painting the parts of the house that have remained unfinished despite my best intentions.
  • The monsoons threatened several times to completely derail our painting plans. We worked around them, and managed to get almost the entire house painted. Adam and Heather both got sunburns, and I bruised my hip bones and rib cage from rolling around on the roof, leaning over the edge to paint the eaves. 
  • My mom proved successful in getting old stains off of my sinks and my driveway.
  • Lincoln stood up on his own without holding onto anything Thursday night. He can stand there for a good 10 seconds, and he's taking some experimental steps.
  • This morning I held my very first yard sale. We made $300. And Bree made $7 selling her "artwork." No joke.
I am ready for a nap! The next few days will be just as busy. We'll be taking the camping trailer to my parents' house because it's a little bit of an eyesore, and they don't mind if we hide it behind their house. And we need to finish up a few more house projects that will hopefully make our home that much more marketable. But the to-do list is shrinking, and soon I'll be able to sit back, relax...and try to keep the house continuously spotless in case potential buyers decide to drop in.


Frances Wallace said...

I'm so excited for you.

You are in my prayers. You deserve rewards for all your hard work.

I always found it so hard to have people coming through inspecting every inch of my home.

Frances Wallace said...
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Heather said...

I'm so glad we were able to help. It looks so much better already! Can't wait to have you guys closer!

The Wallace Family said...

Bet you are ready for a vacation!

Tina said...

I am so excited for you guys and hope all works out well!

Kellianne said...

Good luck with that "relaxing while keeping the house spotless amidst taking care of 3 kids" part! You're probably way better at it than I was. BTW, I love reading your are amazing!

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