Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rabies...the foaming barking killer

Today Mason and Bree got their fifth and final rabies innoculation. What?! Rabies? Did my children get bit by something rabid? No, but they did pet my parents' dog when it was covered in saliva after being attacked by a pack of wild dogs that COULD have been rabid. So the saliva COULD have infected my kids if they happened to put their fingers in their eyes/mouth/nose (which, let's face it, is what kids do). So my parents took care of the kids' first four shots (and also got the shots themselves, incidentally), and Chad and I took them today for their last one.

Bree was in tears all morning anticipating the shot, even with promises of candy and picking out a toy at the store afterwards. Everyone at the hospital outpatient center was extremely friendly and helpful (although Bree burst into tears when the RN came out in her scrubs just to talk to us about and issue with the doctor's order). When I took Bree back, the nurse had set up the room with a TV with "Little Einsteins" playing (I know for certain this was just for my kids since there were no other people there), she did the shot quickly (most of the tears were tears of anticipation), and then another nurse brought her a little stuffed giraffe, which immediately banished the tears. Chad took Mason in next, and he came out with his giraffe too. And Bree said, "I was pretty brave. I cried a little bit, but then it was over quickly."


Jennifer said...

I heard about this through my mom, and I have been thinking about you guys! I'm so glad to read that the whole experience is finally behind you. What brave kiddos!

You've inspired me to become a blogger. I may have to contact you for some tips!

Frances Wallace said...

The children did great. No more Rabies, okay? I only handle fluff.

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